It started in the morning with the HeliBike-experience I had (u already know that). It’s been a wonderful morning with sunshine and clear sky. Stoked from this experience I went through Queenstown to meet Trish. We both expected me a bit later back from this trip, so I had to look after her. After finding her, we went back to our car and had a little nice breakfast in the sun, near the skatepark. Near the skatepark? So, after skating we went back on the road direction Arrowtown. There we found a nice place to cook dinner and to stay overnight.
Next we went on our first really big tramp – 32 km and over 20 river crossings!!! It’s been a fantastic hike and I really enjoyed the river crossings, me barefooted and Trish first barefooted as well and on the way back with wet boots – both smiling! Backwards we’ve been lucky to get a 4WD-lift for the last 5 km and the last 5-8 river crossings. So we’ve had a free 4WD-river safari as well!!! It’s just incredible where you can go with such a car! Later that day we kept on travelling – next destination WANAKA. On the way to Wanaka we’ve seen a rainbow for over 30 minutes!!! I’ve never seen a rainbow for such a long time, awesome. With the rainbow in our back we found a place to stay. We had Pumpernickel-bread, cheese, Boysenberry jam, a bottle of Riesling and the iPod was playing a song with these lyrix: “One of these days”.
So we’re wishing everybody more of one of these harmonic days!
2 Kommentare:
Hi Trish, respect 2 u. 32 km wandern hätte ich dir vor nem halben Jahr nicht zugetraut. Und Alex, geiler Scheiss mit dem Helibiking. Der Neid spricht aus mir. Fahr jetzt mal nach Malle zum Rennradfahren. Viel Spass auf euerm Roadtrip.
immerwieder spannend! immerwieder inspirierend! immerwieder beneidenswert!
love and kiss
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