At the Morning hiking near the Mt Tasman glacier and in the afternoon surfing! Yeah, after 2 days at Mt Cook we missed the ocean so we went without a stop to Oamaru (200 km). Oamaru is a really nice city with surprisingly old architecture. It reminded us a little bit of good old Europe. The day we arrived at Oamaru was a Sunday and first of all we checked the ocean for a place to stay over night and of course I checked the surf. After half an hour of surfing we went back to the city, which seemed to be a dead-city because we couldn’t hardly see anybody. Quickly we recognised that everybody was at the local wine & food festival in the park! We thought: “Wine and food? Let’s go and have some wine and food!!!” This festival was really funny. It was already 6 pm and the most people were drunk and dancing in the evening sun. It was nice to see people of all ages from 4 to 70, partying together, a cool event for us to visit!The next day we’ve visited the local cheese factory and had a cheese tasting, yummy! Afterwards we cruised around the city, did a bit of window-shopping and had a look at the skateshop. For my big surprise they had a miniramp upstairs, so quickly got my board and a mini-session with a few locals! The 4 guys I was skating with had some amazing skillz (nosepick pop off, switch tailslides…).

They night we spend at the AllDayBay and in the morning Trish went jogging and I went surfing (that morning had just been awesome)!

>>>Next Story: Wet in Dunedin
Gypsy greetingz
1 Kommentar:
Kia Ora de la France!
Merci bocku pour the post français. Mir gefällt auch Euer neues Titelbild mit den großen Surfbrettern.
Weiterhin schönen Urlaub, A+B+C :-)
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