1st: We wish erverybody a merry Christmas time! Enjoy that silent moment of peace and harmony. Realx at home, with family and/or friends and then maybe go out for some drinks ,-) u know where the party’s at!!!

Now back to our x.mas-story: Although all these things, we felt in x-mas-mood! It was the 23th at the vineyard, when Sherwyn and Marcel (the owners) made a x-mas-lunch. They showedus their wine-cellar and of course we tasted some of the wines. It was like in the movies! Then we had lunch under the bright sunshine with a beautiful view, with some BellHill-wines!!! That was really awesome! Later that day everbody got a x-mas-present under a little wooden tree!!! That was the moment for x-mas-feeling.

3rd: The Christmas-eve. For that day we and our chile-friends (PabloyJaviera) were invited to Wilco’s home for BBQ. Wilco is our supervisor at the vineyard and he’s such a nice guy, we all really like this dutch man! He lives together with his girlfriend Rachel (hi Rachel from Berlin) in Waikuku at a very nice house near the beach. We started with some OldAmsterdam cheese and tasty wine, later Wilco grilled some meat and we enjoyed Rachels self-made bread with self-made Hummus, yummy. And for dessert Trish and me prepared some “Blätterteigtaschen” filled with Berry-Jam. Later that night we played some Wizard and had a couple of beers…Perfect, thanx Wilco and Rachel!!!

4 Kommentare:
Die allerallerbesten Neujahrsgrüße und -wünsche aus der Vergangenheit (dem alten Jahr over here) sendet der b.a. Keep on rolling, and Trish, yee-hah-fetzing!!!
Ganz liebe Neujahrsgrüsze Euch beiden, bigbig hug et gros bisous!
Schade mit dem Van, aber was bedeutet das wohl? Buch und Werkzeug kaufen und abbasteln!
Weiterhin viel Spasz bei Wein und Wellen, Becki :)
P.S.: Geiler Bart!
ich tipp auf nen vogel... greets
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