1st: We wish erverybody a merry Christmas time! Enjoy that silent moment of peace and harmony. Realx at home, with family and/or friends and then maybe go out for some drinks ,-) u know where the party’s at!!!

2nd: We believe that some people are interested how our X-mas was like? OK, the first difference is, that we got summer and that means it’s about 25° (and increasing)! Then there is’nt so much x-mas Deko around here and just a few lights outside the houses. That make kind of sence, because the days are the longest in year right now (bright till 10 pm). And the most important fact: we’re away from our home, family and friends. To be honest, all that causes a little bit of home-sickness, but don’T worry, we’re really enjoying our time!!!
Now back to our x.mas-story: Although all these things, we felt in x-mas-mood! It was the 23th at the vineyard, when Sherwyn and Marcel (the owners) made a x-mas-lunch. They showedus their wine-cellar and of course we tasted some of the wines. It was like in the movies! Then we had lunch under the bright sunshine with a beautiful view, with some BellHill-wines!!! That was really awesome! Later that day everbody got a x-mas-present under a little wooden tree!!! That was the moment for x-mas-feeling.

3rd: The Christmas-eve. For that day we and our chile-friends (PabloyJaviera) were invited to Wilco’s home for BBQ. Wilco is our supervisor at the vineyard and he’s such a nice guy, we all really like this dutch man! He lives together with his girlfriend Rachel (hi Rachel from Berlin) in Waikuku at a very nice house near the beach. We started with some OldAmsterdam cheese and tasty wine, later Wilco grilled some meat and we enjoyed Rachels self-made bread with self-made Hummus, yummy. And for dessert Trish and me prepared some “Blätterteigtaschen” filled with Berry-Jam. Later that night we played some Wizard and had a couple of beers…Perfect, thanx Wilco and Rachel!!!

Ohh, I nearly forgot to tell you, that before the BBQ I rode my x-mas-wave that day!!! Unfortunately we don’t got a picture from that unique moment…The thing was, I’ve been the only person in the water and after I saw a bigger fish, I believe it was a dolphin I felt a little n´bit uncomfortable so I stopped surfing. The next day I didn’t see a fish, but watch the photo below! What’s that?! A dolphin, seal, little whale??? (Mum don’t be scared, the beach was a regular beach with lifeguards and there weren’t any attacks since 20 years)!

So that's it so far! Have a happy new year! We'll celebrate it first, ätch!!!