Kia Ora = “be well” or “good health” and it’s mostly used for “Hello!”.
We learned this phrase at the unforgettable “Tamaki heritage village” in Ferrymead in Christchurch. In this village the actors tell a story called “Lost in our own land”. But it’s not like a normal show or a musical. There is no stage and no fences and you can move free, talk with the maori and have a look by your own (in the houses…). I think we call it today “interactive edutainment”.
In the beginning the warriors of the radical chief “Te Awhuri” invites the audience with loud screams and the typical maori-faces. Really scary, like you can see in the pictures.

During the whole story a maori-women is guiding the people though the show, with a some explanations and storytelling. The story is about the maori history and how their lives changed after the “white men” arrived. The story sets in a small village named “Matuku Moana” which later becomes a small town.

The story mentions all kinds of problems the maori have had. Such like getting guns, horrible deceases, conflicts between each other, alcohol and land occupation by the “white men” (they called it “property trade”). After the story is told, everybody gets together and a “traditional” dinner is served. Here you have the chance to talk with the actors again and you can hear a lot of interesting stories.

Altogether we really enjoyed this event an recommend everybody to go through this experience, when your in Christchurch.
Kia Ora
7 Kommentare:
Hey. What about Trish and her englishskillz? Greetings from Jena.
Kia Ora, Ihr beiden!
Hey, ich kann noch was:
Ma is black, fero is red, kakariki green,
mango is black, pango is too, a, e, i, o, u!
Ansonsten vorbildliche blogPflege. Lasst es Euch gut gehen, A+M.
ich brauche keinen fussball mehr, ich bin jetzt blogfan ;-)
der knutl
na alex. schon auf den maori tattoo geschmack gekommen? greets aus bln.
don't worry christian i'm getting better with my englishskillzzzz.
but thank you for your care :D
Hey Alex and Trish,
in terms of a tourism expert, such a show is part of a so called community-based tourism. This kind of tourism indicates a high involvement of the tourist in a community by attending the actual habits and daily life activities. Of course this is a "light" version of it, but I assume that the modern maori isnt living like this anyway....
Just lettin you know that I am actual learning somethin......
Hallo Alex and Trishi,
it's very interesting to have a look on your photographs. Wir are Birthday Patry- Gäste at your mum and a little bisschen drunk. Your Tatoo is very big and dangerous for the future. Your mum has cried about ist. Wenn we were a bit younger, we would come to visit you. Now wir sind satisfied to her about you and see your photographes.
Don't worry- be happy
all the birthday guests: Hoffis, Scholzis, Rehbachs, Pohles and Sczepeks+mum and dad.
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